311 Questions Jesus Asked
How would you respond to Jesus?
Why are you so afraid? (Mark 4:40)
Is your heart still hardened? (Mark 8:17)
What do you want me to do for you? (Mark 10:51)
Who are you looking for? (John 18:7)
Questions are invaluable for processing new information, building understanding, or uncovering lies. Asking questions strengthens or fortifies personal relationships.
Christ’s questions cover a broad spectrum of topics, including discipleship, healing, identity, obedience, purpose, resurrection, truth, vision, and more.
311 Questions Jesus Asked is a collection of New Testament scriptures compiled by healing evangelist Sallie Dawkins.
This book features:
• 100 questions from Matthew
• 63 questions from Mark
• 97 questions from Luke
• 51 questions from John.
Whether you use this book as a Bible Study or want to start an intentional conversation with God, you’re sure to grow from the experience. Some of Jesus’ questions may challenge your beliefs, while other questions bring comforting reassurance. Christians everywhere are sure to find this book beneficial for growing in spiritual maturity.
The 13 point font is perfect for busy lifestyles and low-light reading.
Sallie Dawkins lives what she writes and writes what she lives! Sallie, daily follows the Lord Jesus, joyously growing in her knowledge of Him as Savior, Lord, King, and Friend. Every book she writes is a testimony to the breathtaking miracle of God’s Word…to those who believe. - Michael Van Britson, Minister of the Gospel for 50 years and Pastor of The Father’s House Church, Illinois
Sallie Dawkins is a strong woman of God. She walks according to the word of Christ in her everyday life. She is anointed with the gift of teaching. If you desire more wisdom and understanding in your walk with Christ, I highly recommend her books. - Mary Kuehn, Mary Kuehn Ministries, Texas; and author of A Torn Heart- What Not to Do With Your Life