Sallie Dawkins

In her early 20s, shortly after release from active duty military service, Sallie Dawkins dedicated her life to Christ but began having major health issues. A cancer diagnosis resulted in multiple surgeries. Chronic pain led to depression, PTSD, rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative joint disorder, lupus, fibromyalgia, and more. By her early 40s, she took a dozen prescription medications daily. Doctors offered no hope for recovery, and her faith in God wavered. Sallie wondered if God's miracles were limited to Bible times. She took her questions to God.
September 2015 was the beginning of the end of two-and-a-half decades of wavering faith when a heart encounter with Father God challenged her entire belief system. It was a Luke 15 coming to her senses in more ways than one. Rapid transformation followed as the foundations of her faith aligned with scripture.
Sallie Dawkins shares her incredible spiritual journey in the internationally award-winning, best-selling 3-part Awakening Christian Series. Published in November 2021, each book in this series contains testimonies, scripture, revelatory insights, practical tips, and prayers that direct the reader to God. Titles in this series include: You Can Hear the Voice of God Through All Your Spiritual Senses, You Can Know the Heart of God for Your Life, and You Can Share the Love of God with Others. Sallie believes the restoration of her relationship with Jesus fostered miraculous healing to her body, mind, and soul. Her testimony of supernatural spiritual growth and healing restores hope to Christians everywhere.
Dawkins graduated from Mississippi University for Women and holds a Master's degree in education from Auburn University. She is an entrepreneur and publisher. Her proven method for successful self-publishing is essential for writers of multiple works. Sallie loves encouraging others in the writing and self-publishing process and hosts a peer supported writers group.
Currently living in Danville, Kentucky, Sallie Dawkins is an ordained healing evangelist. She is passionate about seeing people healed and freed to enjoy abundant life in Christ and complete God's mission for them on earth.