Leaders Link Arms with Others to Serve the Body

You’re a leader who can link arms with others to serve the Body.

In September 2015, an encounter with Father God challenged my belief system. I share the testimony of this healing journey in the Amazon #1 bestselling Awakening Christian Series.

I felt unprepared when the Lord nudged me to join Him at the International House of Prayer in 2016. I immediately shifted into a season of deep bible study. I feared how little I knew about God’s word would be evident to everyone.

If it was apparent to anyone, they never made me feel judged or excluded. It was a glorious three months of miraculous inner and physical healing as I learned to rest and trust the Lord. Before my time at IHOP, I studied the bible like I would have to pass a pop quiz. I just wanted to know the facts. During my time at IHOP, and still to this day, I study the bible as part of a relationship. I don’t “have” to read the bible; I “get” to read the bible. Spending time with the bible is spending time with God. Sitting with the Word of God is like sitting at the banquet table of Heaven, and it delights my soul.

I had been part of a denominational church that taught cessation; however, since 2016, at the Lord’s leading, I’ve learned about healing from Derek Prince, John G. Lake, Frances Hunter, Maria Etter, Lilian Yeomans, Kenneth E. Hagin, Frank Hammond, Randy Clark, Henry Wright, and others. Wisdom imparted in videos and books leaves a lasting legacy for generations.

I enjoyed learning about healing and studying the information presented at Joan Hunter Ministries Healing School. Still, until 2020, I resisted the Lord’s calling to get ordained. I’ve said all of that to say this. In 2021, as I volunteered to serve the next ordination class of Healing School graduates, something happened that touched my heart deeply.

A church had enrolled and paid for several members to complete the Healing School. The pastor had experienced supernatural healing and understood the importance of equipping others. Joan Hunter’s Healing School just happened to be the program they adopted, but there are many options.

The pastor shared that his church’s goal was to have every member over fifteen complete the Healing School (with optional ordination). They believed so strongly in this equipping that they sent ten members at a time to the Healing School and would continue to do so until everyone had been.
What would it be like to attend a church where all the members believed in healing, received the same training, and were equally equipped to pray for anyone requesting healing? Can you imagine that kind of unity and the impact it would have inside the church and in the community? It lends itself to worldwide ministry!

Is this the new thing the Lord is doing in the earth? There is a confluence now of many different healing streams—all leading others to God. Have you considered that this might be part of God’s plan for your life?

When I first learned about healing, I watched many videos and read several books. At the International House of Prayer, I saw and experienced healing rooms. After this experience, I started a prayer group in my home. A few of us branched into watching the healing videos together. Then, we started practicing what we were learning by praying for each other. Inviting God into our lives and homes allowed us to experience miracles week after week, right there in my living room. I share all the details in the Awakening Christian Series.

I’m not selling any programs, but if you’re wondering which program might be best for you, I encourage you to talk with God and follow His lead. Once God reveals Himself to you in these new and fresh ways, it releases a holy hunger for pressing in for more. If you’re on a journey of healing and deliverance, take others with you (it’s more fun to partner with others, plus you’ll have essential accountability).

Even if you’ve never seen yourself as a leader, I’m telling you, you can be the one to make a difference in the lives of others. The Bible is not just a book of stories. It’s the living, breathing Word of God. Sharing what you’re learning encourages others and restores hope!

I’ve mentioned some of my favorite healing resources here. What are your recommendations?